Come & See Us
912 Clonsilla Ave, Peterborough,
ON, K9J 5Y4
Your New Smile is on the Horizon 🦷
If you have ever considered dentures, or if you have questions about your current dentures, our team at Westend Denture would be glad to talk to you. We offer free consultations and also accommodate referrals to other practitioners.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please give us a
call or send us an
For patients visiting us for the first time, we are located just 2 doors west of The Parkway. For those unable to travel to our clinic, we offer convenient house calls.
Come Visit Us
912 Clonsilla Ave, Peterborough, ON, K9J 5Y4
Service Area
Peterborough and surrounding areas
Methods of Payment
Cheque or E-transfer only
All Insurance Accepted
Business Hours
Open Monday to Friday - By Appointment only
912 Clonsilla Ave, Peterborough,
ON, K9J 5Y4
Business Hours
Open Monday to Friday
*By Appointment only except for same day repairs